The Propulsion subteam designs, manufactures, and tests the rocket’s engine and all supporting components to integrate it into the flight vehicle. The subteam is responsible for the team’s engine testing facility, located at McGill’s MacDonald Campus. At this facility, hot fire tests are conducted to collect data on the performance of the engine's subcomponents to help optimize its performance for flight. The propulsion crew has a lot of tasks to accomplish in addition to engine design, such as ground infrastructure design, manufacturing and assembly, engine test data collection and analysis, and much more!
A typical Propulsion member is
Interested in dealing with complex testing operations and data acquisition
Interested in extensive infrastructure, electrical and instrumentation design work
Interested in fluid mechanics, combustion, associated computer aided modeling and test data analysis
Current Projects
Research and Development of a high thrust rocket engine including propellant feed systems and combustion chamber
Conducting tests on low thrust rocket engines to collect data on component-specific performance
Redesign of ground infrastructure for a high thrust rocket including launch rail and rocket propellant filling system